NR Curves in Third Octave Option for NL-53

If you’re carrying out commissioning tests for schools, hospitals or offices you may well need to confirm compliance with a noise rating specification (NR Curves) for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Whilst the calculation of the noise rating is relatively trivial when you have an octave band spectrum, having the calculated noise rating result on your sound level meter means that you can easily provide advice on mitigation for failed systems whilst youโ€™re still on site.

The great news for Rion NL-53 users is that a noise rating calculation function is built-in to the NX-43RT octave and 1/3rd octave option. ย If you have an NL-53 that gives you octave and 1/3rd octave data, it will calculate the noise rating for you too.

Just follow the simple steps in this video to see how to set up your meter.

How to Evaluate NR on the NL 53


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