If you are looking for the quickest slickest system to carry out sound insulation testing on site you’ve come to the right place. The combination of a Norsonic Nor145 sound level analyser, Nor282 Power Amplifier, Nor283 Dodecahedron Speaker and Nor277 Tapping Machine integrates seamlessly for rapid and professional measurements on site. The Nor145 and Nor282 communicate with each other wirelessly. The whole system can be battery-powered and the tests can be run directly from the Nor145 or a smartphone or laptop.
If your focus is more on keeping the costs down, whilst not compromising on quality, the combination of Norsonic Nor140 Sound Level Analyser, Nor280 Power Amplifier, Nor283 Dodecahedron Speaker and Nor277 Tapping Machine offers excellent quality equipment at a really competitive price.
If you carry out sound insulation testing in a laboratory or test suite, the Norsonic Nor850 system offers a unique solution. The Norsonic Nor850 system is designed to be at the core of an acoustic testing laboratory’s system. Each Norsonic Nor 850 rack can handle up to 10 channels. These channels can be channel modules within the system or Nor140, Nor145 or Nor150 sound level meters. Multiple Nor850 racks can be used for higher channel counts.
Each Nor850 channel is effectively a fully-feature sound level meter which can be calibrated to BS EN IEC 61672-3 to provide a Class 1 measurement chain.
There is a dedicated Nor850 Building Acoustics mode and the extended Building Acoustics Package which includes more advanced features such as ISO 10140 and measurement of absorption coefficient in accordance with ISO 354. The Nor850 signal generator offers white, pink and band filtered noise. The Nor277 Tapping Machine and Nor265A rotating boom can be controlled by the Nor850 system.
The Nor850 Building Acoustics software can really boost productivity by being able to control automated testing sequences and by being able to be become a database for all your sound insulation testing results.
Being able to use both Nor145 and Nor140 sound level meter and Nor850 rack-mounted channels makes the Nor850 system uniquely suited to organisations that carry out both lab and field testing of sound insulation.
Calibration, is of course, essential for sound insulation testing. ANV Measurement Systems UKAS Laboratory (0653), with it’s standard 5 day turnround, calibrates all major manufacturers’ instrumentation.
Renowned for industry-leading, expert and friendly customer service, ANV Measurement Systems can cover all the instrumentation requirements for sound insulation testing competitively and with the minimum of hassle.
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