Rion AS-60 (AS-60RT) Noise Level Review & Analysis Software

Easily review data & audio recordings and analyse & report noise level data.


  • Drag and drop Rion measurement files into software
  • Audio recordings can be played by clicking icons on level-time plot
  • Data from up to 8 Rion sound level meters can be synchronised and reviewed simultaneously
  • Short sample measurements can be used to re-calculate statistical and other indices
  • Data can be excluded and noise indices re-calculated
  • Daily, weekly and other period reports can be created


  • Neighbour Noise
  • Baseline Noise Measurements
  • Environmental Noise
  • Windfarm Noise
  • Railway Noise
  • Construction/Demolition Noise

Product Description

Rion AS-60 (AS-60RT for third octave data) Data Management software provides a really quick and intuitive means of reviewing and analysing logged data from the Rion NL-53, NL-43, NL-52, and NL-42.ย  It will also support the import of data from older Rion meters such as the NA-28 and/or NL-32 or 31.

AS-60 is especially useful when you have audio data because it displays file icons for the audio recordings upon zoomable level-time graphs of the survey data. Itโ€™s really quick and easy to review long-term survey results and you can investigate noise events and/or periodic recordings very quickly.


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