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ANV Now UK Distributor of Norsonic Instruments!
July 2 2024

On 25 July 2022 Rion announced the purchase of shares in Norsonic. Under these arrangements Norsonic became a subsidiary company of Rion. Both Rion and Norsonic were, are, and will remain, leading manufacturers of sound level meters and associated products. Rion will continue to develop and manufacture exceptionally high-quality instruments providing the core sound and […]

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SITMA Directivity and Stability Loudspeaker Checks
May 1 2024

This week ANV has been checking the directivity and stability of customers’ loudspeakers for compliance with SITMA’s requirements.  As part of the requirements of its UKAS accreditation, SITMA require members to check the stability and directivity of their loudspeakers.  The directivity tests should preferably be carried out in anechoic conditions, which ANV has access to. […]

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